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Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation


CJ-Series Analog I/O Unit


Consistent Microsecond Throughput: Models with Direct Conversion Join the Lineup. This unit is available for CJ/NJ controller.

Analog Input Units

• Input up to eight analog signals with one Unit.

• Functions include line disconnection detection, averaging, peak value holding, offset/gain adjustment, and scaling. (Offset/gain adjustment is not supported by the CJ1W-AD042. Scaling is supported only by the CJ1W-AD042.)

• High-speed A/D conversion in 20 μs/point with direct conversion function * (CJ1W-AD042 only).

Analog Output Units

• Output up to eight analog signals with one Unit.

• Functions include output holding, offset/gain adjustment, and scaling. (Offset/gain adjustment is not supported by the CJ1W-DA042V. Scaling is supported only by the CJ1W-DA08V/DA08C/DA042V.)

• High-speed D/A conversion in 20 μs/point with direct conversion function * (CJ1W-DA042V only).

Analog I/O Units

• Input up to four analog signals and output up to two analog signals with one Unit.

• Functions include line disconnection detection, input averaging, scaling, input peak value holding, output holding, ratio conversion, and offset/gain adjustment.

* Direct Conversion Instructions for High-speed type can be used to create a consistent response time from input through
   data processing and output. With the Machine Automation Controller NJ-series, the direct conversion function cannot be
   used. This function is supported only by the CJ-series CPU Unit.